Welcome GAF Factory-Certified Contractors
Surefire Local was named GAF’s Vendor of the Year

Instead of putting your hard-earned marketing dollars into a black box and wondering what will come out, you get a clear look into what you’re spending, where it’s going, and how much business it’s bringing back.
Instead of juggling who-knows-how-many different tools, services, platforms, and directories, you captain all your marketing activities – from your website to Facebook – with just one login. And make them work harder.
No canned responses from people who don’t understand your business or your question. You simply get your dedicated account manager on the phone when you need some extra assistance or advice.
All Your Digital Marketing Results in One Place
Collecting and analyzing data from multiple places is a challenge for busy business owners. The Surefire Local Marketing Platform solves this challenge because you can see all your marketing data within one dashboard.
Business owners, it’s time to get perspective on how your marketing is really working.
- Single sign-on to entire digital footprint
- Security
- Data structure and storage for benchmarketing and optimization
- Location data/listing management and near real-time updates including featured messages
- Reputation management to drive SEO
- Social publishing to 9 channels with complete reporting including engagement by post
- Create new pages on your website through blog publishing
- Immediately stand up and activation for PPC campaigns to generate leads quickly
- Mobile app to immediately respond to new leads and reviews
Surefire Local In The Media
“I’ve noticed that successful business solutions use one or more of the following principles to make it easier for you to run your company:
- Simplification – reducing the steps to get something done
- Automation – enabling solution to handle tasks for you
- Centralization – Integrating processes and reporting into one place.
Rarely have I found all three principles applied in equal force within one solution yet that’s exactly what I encountered, and more when I took a look at SureFire Social’s Local Marketing Cloud
Matt Mansfield
Small Biz trends

“The Surefire Local Marketing Cloud is a gorgeously-integrated dashboard for everything you’ll need to both monitor and engage with your prospects, clients, and fans, all-in-one easy-to-use interface.
Seriously: easy-to-use. Seriously: all-in-one.
Even easier than Google Search Console, easier than Google Analytics, even easier than HootSuite, Buffer, or any of the other cobble-together, hooptie.
Chris Abraham
Marketing & PR Consultant, Gerris Digital