Imagine a time when getting a new customer was as easy as just asking for it? Well, that time may be closer than you think. Voice-enabled assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa are rapidly changing the customer journey as it relates to how people are searching for home improvement contractors. Now more than ever, businesses need to consider and plan for how they’re going to market themselves in the Age of Assistants.
As consumers, more and more aspects of our lives are driven by mobile and digital. We love the power our devices give us. We’re able to get exactly what we want, instantly and effortlessly. It’s no longer about just having our needs met, but anticipated. As a whole, we’ve become incredibly demanding, highly curious and oftentimes impatient.
So you may be asking what this rise in digital assistants means for your business. For starters, you’re now dealing with consumers who are more empowered than ever before. It brings to mind a statement made by Mark G. Richardson, a leading authority in the remodeling industry, that says your clients know more about your business than you do. It makes getting out in front of the right customers all the more important.
It may surprise you to learn the age groups using these digital assistants the most aren’t younger generations. People between 33 and 45 years old account for the most voice-activated searches. Followed closely by 22 to 32 years old and 46 to 60 years old. These age groups fit in perfectly with an ideal customer for a home improvement business. And both today’s customer and tomorrow’s customer are using voice-enabled devices more than they are using their phones. It makes sense when you think about it. These are people running households who are extremely busy. Having the ability to get information quickly from a voice search appeals to them and provides a lot of value.
Surefire Local recently hosted a webinar with Google’s Strategic Partner Manager, SEM & Platform Partnerships, Patrick Tam on the multiple challenges businesses now face and ways to overcome them. You can catch the recording by clicking on the image below.
Patrick Tam shared a ton of great insights into trends and tactics businesses should be aware of in this new age of marketing. For instance, did you know that searches for “ideas” have grown by more than 55% over the past 2 years? Similarly, searches for “open now” has more than tripled since 2015 and mobile searches for “where to buy (product)” has increased 85%. These are just some of the things Patrick covered during the webinar.
Would you like know how your business appears on Google? How about if Google AdWords makes sense for your business considering your goals? We’d love to schedule a time to chat about how your business can get ahead of the curve and is ready for when voice-enabled devices are the norm for searching for home improvement contractors.