I had a Eureka moment today ! At Surefire Local my team’s job is to make it as convenient as possible to interact with us. We produce a lot of educational content and our audience of contractors ( Roofing, Remodeling, HVAC, Windows, Siding and more) is always on the move and use their phones a lot. What if we can get them to listen to our email instead of reading an email.
Our team has been experimenting with a lot of AI tools and the AI components from Google ( Voice to text transcription in Google Docs). We used Otter.AI a mobile app to record.
As Otter listens, it transcribes the copy and the transcription of this file is below ( The only edit, I made is to my last name – Otter transcribed it to “beloved conduct”):
Hello everyone. This is Shashi Bellamkonda, Chief Marketing Officer of Surefire local. You have heard of the term AI, artificial intelligence. And every one of us, including me, is wondering how AI can be used. And this is one example of how AI can be used to invite you to a webinar I’m using an app that takes my voice translates into into text, which you will see in this email below. But if you’re listening to this, this is me dictating to this AI app that is transcribing it and it also understands my Southern accent as you can see, but the main purpose of sending you this communication is that tomorrow we’re going to have a webinar from Google Google’s Beth Heller is going to be talking about the latest trends and Marketing Tips for Home Improvement contractors. Google has a lot of data on what makes what are homeowners searching about what makes the most successful search result. And by just knowing this, you will be able to not only as Google some questions, but also learn about what’s new.
And what’s upcoming. You may have got an email from one of my colleagues about Google’s local service ads. This is a totally new thing that Google has introduced for a few of our contractor communities, and they’re going to be introducing it to more contractors in the coming weeks. hope you’ll join us either send us an email to marketing at Surefire local dot com or there’s a link in the email if you’re listening to this. Tell us what you think about using AI to send your webinar in white. Thanks and have a wonderful day.
What do you think? That is pretty neat. If AI can understand my voice, it can understand yours! I took this one step further and took the transcription and out it into Amazon Polly and here is the voice to text version.
How would you use this? We are going to start a new feature called “Listen to this email” and give our audience the choice of listening to our newsletters, webinar invites while they go about their work.