Last weekend at the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting, Warren Buffet was asked, if he could choose to be remembered for one thing, he said, he wants to be remembered for being a good teacher.
This is a statement after my own heart and with that spirit, I wanted to let all my Richmond friends know that I am looking forward to meeting them at the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce’s Smarter Business Series 2018 – “Digital Marketing Boot Camp” on May 23rd.

I wanted to give a shout out to Vicki Kiger, Marketing Director at Exterior Source who I have known as a Surefire Local customer. Relationship building is important in the customer-client relationship, and by attending the various webinars that my wonderful marketing team organizes, Vicki thought that the material would be useful for the small business community in Richmond and invited me.

I have had the privilege of speaking in Richmond at the Social Media Club. My other connection is that Richmond has a lot of creative talent.
I worked with Rosalie Morton and the team at CRT-Padilla. My good friend Doug Meacham lives in Richmond. Jon Newman of Hodges Partnerships hosted me in his office when I was there last time. I am sure I’m going to leave out many good friends in my Richmond friends list as my memory is not as good as it was! Kari Peifer, Editor of Richmond.com, Michael Ivey, Kelly Vance, Nathan Hughes ( Thank you for lunch last time)
Here is a quick video to help you spread the word to Richmond area businesses.