The latest numbers are in! It now costs Home Services companies $403.60 for each and every ‘issued’ lead they give to their salespeople. With an average closing ratio of about 33%, that means is costs $1210.80 for each SOLD lead. Yikes! This number is going up every year!
So, What’s the Solution?
Simply put, the best way to combat these out of control leads costs is to get MUCH BETTER at lead conversion. In this webinar, Tim Musch will detail each of the 5 sales you and your staff need to make to optimize lead conversion. Once identified, we’ll detail exactly what it takes to get much more efficient at each of those 5 sales you need to make. You’ll learn:
- The one painless thing you could do tomorrow that would drive 10-20% more profit to your bottom line
- How you can immediately increase sales without generating more leads or increasing closing ratios
- How to separate your company from ALL your competitors (this is key)
- Specific strategies to turn your unsold leads into profitable business (huge)
- Simple processes to easily create “lifetime” customers (repeat business)