What makes a small business successful? In ‘Inside a Business Owner’s Mind…Secrets to Running Your Business by the Numbers,’ Kyle Hoffman, Owner of Roofing & More, Inc. listed ten things you’ll see in every thriving, profitable home services business. How many can you say yes to?
- Detailed business plan. This gets you from Point A to Point B.
- Good leadership. Work with leaders who are continually working on and investing in themselves.
- Good team. The prerequisite? A good recruiting and hiring process.
- Clear vision, mission and core values. What kind of company culture are you fostering?
- Lead setting and tracking process. Build one with the goal of capitalizing on every lead.
- Specific sales process. Train your people to deliver a consistent customer experience.
- Specific approval process. Say no to bad jobs! Put job costing calculators and forecasts to good use.
- Specific sales-to-production process. Does your production team know exactly what was sold to the customer, what was said, what was promised?
- Specific installation process. Get installation manuals directly from manufacturers to minimize issues.
- Specific close and collection process. Don’t let accounts receivable choke your cash flow!
You’ll notice that most of these revolve around people, planning and processes. That’s because the key to getting where you want to be is, according to Stephen Covey, beginning with the end in mind. Knowing where you want to take your business will help you build a blueprint for it. The rest is just execution.
What’s Next?
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